Road Map for Developing Sustainable and Inclusive Early Childhood Intervention Systems
Road Map for Developing Sustainable and Inclusive Early Childhood Intervention Systems

It is not possible to dissociate an updated ECI system from the evolution and paradigm shift that took place in the last decades. After briefly presenting what is relevant about ECI in the 21st century, and its key principles, based on a long process of research, this presentation will explore some of the implications of this reconceptualization for practice, for policy, and for society, before presenting the flow with the necessary steps to develop a system.

Countries, professionals, and governmental agencies around the world are searching ways to plan, develop or improve Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) services for vulnerable children under 6 years old, with developmental delays, disabilities or at high risk. These guidelines intend to be a simple “roadmap” to facilitate the process of developing services for young children and their families, helping civil society institutions, national or regional stakeholders and parents to collaborate in establishing an ECI framework.

This roadmap does not intend to dictate or impose any specific strategies to design or implement a “one size fits all” model. In turn, it provides ideas, principles, goals and thoughts regarding how to identify and mobilize national resources to create or improve ECI services. Each country has its own national values and culture, resources, political realities, economic conditions but all of them should be committed in its own way and with different priorities, to maximize services for children with vulnerabilities and their families and to be the builders of their own ECI systems.

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